Sylvia Tillmann

Sylvia Tillmann


Product Description

I teach, rather than treat and this is much more empowering.

You’ll learn a tremendous, somatic modality to support your well-being.

As David Berceli, PhD, the creator of TRE (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) recalls in his book:

A client asked: “For two hours a week, I have your support during my healing process. For the remaining 166 hours in a week, I have to heal myself. Please give me something that I can do to help myself when you are not around!”

Learning TRE can benefit everybody, whether we have experienced big T trauma or ‘just’ the day-to-day stresses of life.

With TRE, which is a natural and innate modality, you can literally shake off tension you are holding in your body while down-regulating your nervous system – and this can have many amazing knock-on effects.

Please note I offer fact-finding chats so you can ask all your questions and find out if TRE is for you.

I also have a counselling foundation training, but working with the body tops it all as ‘The Body Keeps the Score’ (see Bessel van der Kolk’s amazing best-seller!).

You deserve to feel so much better –  are you ready for the biggest discovery of your life, i.e. how amazing your body is?

I can’t wait to hear from you!

Natural. Innate. TREmendous.


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