Hello and thank you for being here,

I know from personal experience that life can be tough. I’m here to help make it a little, (and very often a lot) easier.

I work with a broad range of presenting issues including Anxiety, Low mood, Trauma, Confidence and Performance blocks, Phobias, Addiction, Historical Abuse, OCD, Sleep Problems, Sexual Problems and much more… The wonderful thing about all the tools Cognitive Hypnotherapy includes is that therapy is tailored to each individual client that I see and their individual way of experiencing the world. The first thing I aim to do is really understand you and your unique experience of what you wish to address.

(Please scroll below for feedback from some recent clients)

Within my Practice, I use a variety of powerful and incredibly effective techniques including bespoke Hypnotherapy, (Wordweaving), AMDR, (Applied EMDR), EFT, (Emotional Freedom Technique, CBT, (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Gestalt Therapy, NLP, (Neuro Linguistic Programming), and other.

I work mainly on-line with clients so location and travelling is no problem, or can work in person in Aston Clinton, Bucks.

If you’d like to know a little more or ask any questions, please get in touch so that we can arrange a Free and Strictly Confidential chat to discuss how I can help you.

A bit about me:

Before training as a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, I worked in Senior Management. Part of my role was looking after the Pastoral Care of the team worldwide. Helping people overcome problems has been my driver since I can remember.

I lived in Spain until the age of 11 and speak Spanish fluently. I also have a very good personal and professional understanding and deep respect for different cultures.

I have lived my entire life with the mantra that every problem has a solution and a wall is just an obstacle. To this day I would say that on the whole, this mantra holds true.

And I would say the same about therapy. A human being, and crucially our brains, are constantly adapting, learning and evolving. With enough will and the right support, change, even to the longest held anxiety, trauma, negative beliefs or habits, is always possible regardless of what we have been through or are going through. Just like with software, we can reprogram our brains and we can train ourselves to become free from old unwelcome conclusions, fears, behaviours and constraints.

Through our work, I help clients deal with the emotional aspects interfering with their lives, be it professionally, personally, societally, or even with themselves.

Only once we stop being hijacked by our emotions and the anxiety and overwhelm that produces, can we relax, be free, be happy, feel lighter & brighter, effectively communicate, grow, succeed and achieve the outcomes and the peace and the freedom we so desire. No one should feel like they do not have a voice!

People generally do not expect a therapist to be practical, however my approach is absolutely free from judgement, down to earth, realistic and practical. Crucially every step is adapted to the individual in front of me. Some of what we do can sound a bit woo woo at times, and believe me, there was even a time I thought that myself, however there is logic to all I do during my sessions, even when it sounds like “just” a conversation.

Therapy Sessions:

I work mainly on-line with clients so location is not an impediment, or can work face to face in Aston Clinton, Bucks.

Please contact me if you would like to have a chat. We can then arrange a free and strictly confidential telephone consultation so that we see if I am the right person to help you. If I am not, then I assure you I will do my best to help you find someone who is.

In the words of some of my past clients:

I found my sessions with Una incredible. I made so much progress from the very start. Having been in a place of deep sadness I reached out to Una after my husband and I had completed some couples counselling on the back of discovering his historic affair. There was so much more to the pain I was feeling but couldn’t process but Una helped me connect with the hurt I had never let go of from childhood. She was compassionate and empathetic and held me emotionally in a space that felt safe to revisit my past and give myself the love I needed to move forwards.


My experience working with Una

When I decided to start my therapy journey I had contacted a few therapist and during my first call with Una I had a good (gut) feeling that she could help me, and I was right about that! I came to Una looking for help regarding problems in my relationship with my partner and jealousy. During the sessions I was surprised to learn that what I thought was me trying to keep control was actually giving away control, which was a big trigger for me. When I first started the therapy, I really didn’t believe that I would change and it took a few sessions and hard work to start seeing the progress but now I can see that I was able to change and have made amazing progress.

During the sessions I felt comfortable telling Una things that I was uncomfortable in general such as ways I had behaved. I was able to be completely honest without feeling like I was judged. She would make sure to work on the hard topics in a gentle way which I really appreciated. It has been difficult but also rewarding journey working with Una and she made the experience as comfortable as therapy can be.

She is a kind and caring person and I am happy that I have worked with her. Having someone who believed in me when I didn’t really helped me get to the place I am now.


After suffering with health anxiety, generalised anxiety and OCD since around 8 years old, I found myself at 22 still repeating the same cycles. Struggle, get better, fall back into old patterns and repeat. Many years and various different types of therapy later, I had lost faith with the possibility of overcoming self made obstacles and living the life I wanted. In an attempt to ‘gain control’ when I felt like I had no control of the things around me, I became quite good at self sabotaging.

Following one of my worst self sabotages yet, I desperately looked for the help I was yet to receive and then I found Una. Una instantly created a safe place with no judgement and planted a real seed of hope for me.

We worked on a variety of different things but the biggest difference Una made to me was my quality of life. I was suffering with severe OCD, every single daily task felt like a days work and nothing was just simple anymore. Although at times I was very guarded and sceptical, Una was extremely patient and worked hard to find the things that worked for me!

With constant guidance, encouragement and support from Una, for the first time in my life I was able to tackle one of my biggest struggles. I live a completely different life now, no longer ruled by OCD or time consuming routines. I live in a way that at one time felt impossible and I could never have imagined, I now live how I want to live.

Una has given me not only hope, but life long tools that I can apply to all different situations and problems I am faced with. I can’t thank Una enough and I am so grateful that she does the work she does. As I find myself often saying to the people around me, everybody needs an Una.


My 13year old son had been suffering from severe headaches for a number of months, which was having a significant impact on his education and ability to do everyday things.  He had turned from a happy, social, do anything child to a bed bound pained child who did not have the energy to participate in everyday life.  Visits to the Doctors, hospitals and whatever else we could come up with did not have any impact, not even the various medications prescribed.  After reading a book on pain management I concluded we needed to try to get his brain to take control and “turn down” the pain dial, so searched the web for hypnotherapists.

I made contact with Una and immediately felt at ease as I talked through the issues, (I felt listened to and that my opinions mattered).  She talked through how she would approach helping my son in a language that was very easy to understand and I could connect with.  Making a connection is something that Una does very well, she spent the time to research how best to communicate with my son and I found him talking to Una as a good friend instead of an awkward therapy session.

Having the option to have the meetings online was perfect for my IT loving child. Initial nerves were soon overcome as he was engaged in conversation about subjects he loved to talk about.  Other than hearing him chatter away happily I do not know what went on but got the sense that he was taking everything seriously and had a sense of purpose and positivity.

Una would follow up with me to convey the progress being made and develop ideas on how to make further connections with my son and how I could support the process.  My sons sessions were confidential and this confidence was not broken, but Una also understood the need, as a parent, to be involved and support the process.  As we developed ideas it was great to see my son engage and make changes to his lifestyle – even to this day after being headache free for 3 months he is still doing an activity suggested by Una.

I now have my happy, do anything child back but also know that should we experience any further challenges, as my teenage son develops into a man, he has someone to help and coach him to be mentally strong so he can be the best he can be.


Una changed my life and that is an understatement.

I remember the first time we spoke on the phone; I was at rock bottom (again) suffering massively with gambling addiction and hating everything about life. I had tried Gambling anonymous but never felt as if it was treating the cause.  After my first conversation with Una she had managed to make me feel incredibly motivated and at ease that everything would be ok. It was the first time in years I had felt a sense of purpose.

Its hard to put into words the affect the sessions I had with Una had on me, I went from gambling every penny I had and hating my life, myself and feeling like a useless sack of bones. To not gambling and not even contemplating gambling for 5months now, and becoming the person I want to be, I feel like Una gave me back my freedom to live the life I want to live without having the gambling addiction looming over me.

The tools Una gave me didn’t just help stop my gambling, but they re-programmed my entire outlook on life and how I react to stressful and overwhelming situations. I can only describe it as magic. I am now able to do the things in life I wanted to do. I see a future.

Without Una I don’t know where I would be.

Una truly changed my life and I can’t thank her enough.

5 months gamble free and only getting stronger.


Having very recently been signed off work by a doctor due to suffering from stress and anxiety, I decided, at the age of 55, to use this valuable time off to try and address these thoughts and feelings I was experiencing through hypnotherapy, which I felt worked for me many years ago.

I must confess, I was a little sceptical, as I wasn’t completely sure if the previous lady I visited, had hypnotised me, albeit I felt it did help me overcome a commitment phobia I had at the time.

I found Una on-line and was immediately put at ease by her pleasant tone over the phone, her immediate understanding of my situation, and her willingness to help and discuss my predicament completely FOC prior to any professional engagement.

I was initially concerned with the thought of conducting sessions over Zoom, however, through a combination of the preparatory work I was given, which helped identify situations and circumstances in my past, that I hadn’t, until now, given much consideration too, and Una’s innate ability to make you feel very relaxed, I was feeling much calmer within an hour, knowing I had her support and a further two sessions to go.

In short, I extended my initial three sessions, which Una felt would be sufficient to address my work-related issues, by a further three sessions, to help address something in my life I hadn’t originally thought to discuss, but once the genie was out of the bottle, it felt right.

During this period, with my newfound confidence, I not only gave notice to my current employer, but also attended a couple of interviews on-line and secured a new role at a new company.

I listen to the recordings from our sessions as often as I can, and truly believe that they have and will continue to help me overcome stressful situations that will undoubtedly arise both in my new role and in my family life.

I also have the comfort of knowing that in the event I need assistance in the future, I have someone in Una I can not only reach out too, but more importantly, understands me very well and knows how to help.

I would highly recommend reaching out to Una if you’re in need of assistance or simply a reset, because not all illnesses are physical.


My experience working with Una

When I decided to start my therapy journey I had contacted a few therapist and during my first call with Una I had a good (gut) feeling that she could help me, and I was right about that! I came to Una looking for help regarding problems in my relationship with my partner and jealousy. During the sessions I was surprised to learn that what I thought was me trying to keep control was actually giving away control, which was a big trigger for me. When I first started the therapy, I really didn’t believe that I would change and it took a few sessions and hard work to start seeing the progress but now I can see that I was able to change and have made amazing progress.

During the sessions I felt comfortable telling Una things that I was uncomfortable in general such as ways I had behaved. I was able to be completely honest without feeling like I was judged. She would make sure to work on the hard topics in a gentle way which I really appreciated. It has been difficult but also rewarding journey working with Una and she made the experience as comfortable as therapy can be.

She is a kind and caring person and I am happy that I have worked with her. Having someone who believed in me when I didn’t really helped me get to the place I am now.







If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you may have a pre-existing medical condition, please consult your GP for advice before starting any new therapies.

Message Practitioner

    Preferred contact method

    Therapist Una Murga

    Additional Information


    Therapy Sessions:

    I work mainly on-line with clients so location is not an impediment, or can work face to face in Aston Clinton, Bucks.

    Please contact me if you would like to have a chat. We can then arrange a free and strictly confidential telephone consultation so that we see if I am the right person to help you. If I am not, then I assure you I will do my best to help you find someone who is.

    Education and Training

    Training, qualifications & experience
    DipCHyp - Diploma in Cognitive Hypnotherapy

    NLP Prac - Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner

    MNLP - Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

    Awarded by The Quest Institute, the founding organisation of Cognitive Hypnotherapy.

    HPD - National Council for Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma

    Verified by the National Council for Hypnotherapy, the HPD is accredited by the NCFE. This is the only independently accredited professional qualification for Hypnotherapy available in the UK.

    AMDR - AMDR is a new approach to trauma based on a Synthesis of EMDR and Cognitive Hypnotherapy. All of AMDR is founded on solid neuroscience-based research, and is a careful trauma repair process designed to heal trauma mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

    Trained by the founders of AMDR, Gill Wood and Joshua Isaac Smith.

    Professional Body Memberships

    Member of QCHPA

    Member of NCH

    Accredited by NCFE

    Languages Spoken

    • English
    • Spanish