Rebecca Pilkington

New York


Rebecca is a qualified Nutritional Therapist and Functional Medicine practitioner, which really focuses on getting to the root cause of her clients symptoms. “Let food be my medicine”, is definitely Rebecca’s approach and she has made huge impacts on clients using this motto. Rebecca has a firm belief that everybody should feel their absolute best, and will engage with you in a therapeutic partnership so that this can be achieved.

As a women’s health coach, she specialises in hormonal imbalance, weight loss and optimising what we take from our food, to help people to maximise happiness within. She is on a mission to educate on better food and lifestyle choices. Her tummy tamer programme has had great results with clients feeling like a “new person” and fully energised.

Weight loss is an area she particularly enjoys and she runs 3 month coaching programs that have always seen dramatic results. This isn’t about fad diets that work for the short term, it is about resetting the metabolism for a long term lifestyle plan, that lowers fat mass and body weight.

She is a public speaker on a variety of health topics both for the general public and corporate environments. Her clinics are on South Molten Street, Wimbledon Village and Zoom for those who live further a field.

Rebecca is registered with BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy), and is bound by the BANT Code of Professional Practice, in addition to being registered with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).

Don’t just take my word for it though…….

For the last 12-15 years I have struggled, despite my active life, and many diets, to shift and keep off the weight. Having lost just under 10kg in 3 months has been fantastic but more importantly I feel as though the program has “educated” me and changed my habits to at least give me the knowledge and motivation to sustain what has been achieved. Thanks again.

Rebecca has been instrumental in transforming my health over the last three months. I have Crohn’s Disease and after 15 + years of exploring every medical drug and treatment available I had stopped working, was unable to socialise or do many of the things I love with my young family all due to ill health. I saw Rebecca as a last resort as I was out of medical options. Immediately, Rebecca identified some root causes and gave me a clear path to restore my health through a combination of diet and supplements. She is honest about the challenges of some of the diet and has helped suggest alternatives so I can still have the odd treat without compromising my diet. My health is immeasurably better and I am looking forward to reducing some of my Crohn’s medication and being free of some serious side effects. Additionally, my husband has recently had a health check and all of his stats have improved, despite not fully following the diet. Our household is happier, healthier and far more energetic than we have been in years. I couldn’t recommend Rebecca enough – she is thorough, holistic and realistic. I would not have recognised myself just four months ago. Thank you Rebecca.

I would just like to highly recommend this lady who helped change every day life for me. I was unfortunately suffering from feeling unwell for 2 years at a very important time in my life and was struggling to do anything due to ill health. I visited doctors, specialists, hospitals, even numerous trips to ANE and nothing was being solved and no progress was being made. I was constantly in bed, tired, and reflux, pain and bloating to the point where I couldn’t even move or walk to relieve the pain at times. Eventually I turned to the nutrition path to understand my body better to relieve these symptoms I was having. I now know and understand my body completely and have been changed into a new person thanks to Rebecca! Something as simple as dairy intolerance and gluten intolerance! Something that the doctors took two years to figure out and my nutritionist took 3 months (if that). So please don’t wait and don’t struggle! Visit Rebecca and it could change your life!

Hi Rebecca, Thank you so much for helping me to find the root cause of my health issue. I have talked to literally a dozen health experts and 4-5 doctors but you were the one who made the biggest impact with suggesting the comprehensive analysis. Thank you so much.

I was having problems losing weight, feeling sluggish and had some problems with digestion. I didn’t want to go on another fad diet – they’ve always been such a bore and difficult to stick to long-term. After completing a confidential health questionnaire and having an informal, friendly chat, Rebecca provided me with easy to follow plan. For someone who thought I’d struggle to stick to a dietary plan I was amazed at how easy it was to follow. The results are: I feel energised, alert, I sleep better and I’ve lost 10lbs in 6 weeks!.?The main reason I think its finally worked is now thanks to Rebecca I am equipped with the tailor-made information I need and have the optimal dietary recommendations suited to me and my busy lifestyle. Her help has been invaluable.”

I would just like to highly recommend this lady who helped change every day life for me. I was unfortunately suffering from feeling unwell for 2 years at a very important time in my life and was struggling to do anything due to ill health. I visited doctors, specialists, hospitals, even numerous trips to ANE and nothing was being solved and no progress was being made. I was constantly in bed, tired, extreme heart burn and reflux, pain and bloating to the point where I couldn’t even move or walk to relieve the pain at times. Eventually I turned to the nutrition path to understand my body better to relieve these symptoms I was having. I now know and understand my body completely and have been changed into a new person thanks to Rebecca! Something as simple as dairy intolerance and gluten intolerance! Something that the doctors took two years to figure out and my nutritionist took 3 months (if that). So please don’t wait and don’t struggle! Visit Rebecca and it could change your life!




If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you may have a pre-existing medical condition, please consult your GP for advice before starting any new therapies.

Message Practitioner

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    Additional Information

    Education and Training

    A qualified Nutritional Therapist trained at College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM)
    MSc in Personalised Nutrition (TBC)
    Metabolic Balance certified coach
    Institute for Functional Medicine practitioner and am certified to use their logo and procedures.

    Professional Body Memberships

    As a member of BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy), I am bound by the BANT Code of Professional Practice. I am also registered with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council).
    A member of BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy) (Membership number PIL1002094).
    Registered with the CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council) (Membership number 000119-B15).

    Languages Spoken

    • English