At Hypnotherapy Kent we believe that a hypnotic approach is an incredibly effective and versatile way of dealing with a wide range of issues and ailments, from anxiety and depression to stress and phobias. Addictions, including smoking, are successfully treated with hypnosis and it can also be used for weight control, offering lifelong health and well-being benefits.

All of us, at some stage in our lives, suffer from emotional problems and their consequences. Hypnosis is deeply relaxing, relieving stress and making it possible for the sufferer to feel better about their problems and to tackle them in a more positive way.





If you have been diagnosed with or suspect you may have a pre-existing medical condition, please consult your GP for advice before starting any new therapies.

Additional Information


A clinical hypnotherapist, master NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) practitioner based in the South East of England, Karen Martin has many years experience treating a wide range of conditions and disorders. Anxiety in its many forms, from phobias to panic disorders, and behavioural change, like weight management and smoking cessation, are issues she specialises in and has a consistent track record of successfully treating.

Insurance Coverage

  • Fully Insured

Languages Spoken

  • English